The doors to 20/20 Leadership Group’s Rainmaking Academy Special Premium Package are officially open! Created by experienced attorneys, business developers,…
I love this blog post on Huffington (Stop Pretending You’re Selling) that does a great job of distinguishing between order-takers…
Once we take the time to understand our mindsets and the societal/ cultural mindsets pertaining to sales, then we can…
“The fear of loss is a path to the dark side… Train yourself to let go of everything you fear…
In my book, Seal the Deal, I talk about how important it is in the sales process to not have…
I presented to the ICF SIG (International Coach Federation Special Interest Group) on Business Development and Marketing. Here’s the write-up…
Selling is ideally an equal exchange of value. One of us brings money to the table, the other one brings…
Do you have the right mindsets to sustain and advance your career? I’m writing a new book for employed folks who want…
Are your sales stalled or not producing the results you want? It may be a matter of mindsets, in which…