Lots of folks are coaches these days, have you noticed? While it may be easy to become a coach, getting…
Do you have the right mindsets to sustain and advance your career? I’m writing a new book for employed folks who want…
The secret to success is….wait for it…..giving! If you haven’t already read The Go-Giver by Bob Burg and John David…
Let’s take the WORK out of networking, and replace it with connecting, shall we? Then instead of having to network,…
My friend and colleague, Dr. Frumi Barr, provides an amazing service by reading all the great business books out there…
I am so happy to know Shama Hyder (thanks, Mari Smith for introducing us!) because she writes great and useful…
So, as a new Twitter user, I really didn’t get it. I wondered why anyone would care to publicly answer…
We all want the same things…no, I don’t mean power, success and money, but those are nice to have! I…
I’m finally getting into the video age. I’ve just uploaded my first YouTube video. Lotsa learnin’ goin’ on here!
Leveraging Existing Relationships Into Business How do you use the network you have without compromising your relationships with friends and…