The Importance of Confidence


Laura Koehne wrote a great post about “How to Have Weight In Your Job Interview” in which she describes two highly qualified candidates for a business development opportunity and the only differentiating factor between them was the confidence level.
Confidence stems from our mindsets as well as our understanding of how to create the results we want in life by focusing on our “inner game”. During the current global economy and the focus on job losses, it is particularly important to shift our inner game to one of possibility and personal power.
Here’s what you can do to boost your confidence now:
1.  Face the face in the mirror.  That’s right.  Look deep into your own eyes and do what you can to connect with that person.  I guarantee that the guy or gal in the mirror is by far the most critical person of you that you will ever meet. If you can genuinely connect with and find value in that person, you are well on your way to letting that confidence shine outward!
2.  Learn about the 10 Mindsets that will increase your visibility in your company and get you promoted!
3.  Keep a list of your “pride points” that you can turn to when you feel low to remind yourself of how great you are.
Leadership and business development rely on your ability to master your own best practices of confidence. What have you found works for you in rebooting and restoring your confidence?  Leave a comment and let us know!

Comments (1)

Maxine recommended your idea-packed blog – and i am so glad she did. Re this apt post, follow-up ideas in Diana’s book, Communicate With Confidence
-another new Suzi fan

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