Twitter for Business Coaches


Twitter may be all the rage, but the coaches I’ve spoken to are having trouble figuring out how to leverage it for business results in their coaching businesses. If you are a corporate coach, a leadership coach, an executive coach, or if you coach in organizations and businesses, it is a critical part of your networking strategy to be active on Twitter.

Why? Well because your colleagues are, and the authors and thought leaders you most like to learn from are, and because your clients and prospects are! It’s the best party in town and you’re invited.

Twitter is actually a vehicle for profound connection-making and building, for sharing deep insights and for learning with and contributing to a vibrant, global community of professionals.

So, what are you waiting for? Need a quick tutorial to get going fast on Twitter? Just go to Twitter for Business Coaches Tutorial for a coach-specific business mentoring lesson on how and why to get going now on Twitter.  It rocks!

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