New Online Tool for Managing Your Online Presence:

So, you’ve dived into social media.  Good for you.  You’ve played a bit with blogging.  Bravo!  You’ve loaded videos on YouTube and photos on Flickr.  You’re connecting with folks on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. For goodness sake, you have so many sites to log into and remember a password for, it’s a wonder you know where to send anyone to find you online!  Now, there’s a solution to all that.  On, you can create a free profile that lets you consolidate your various online locations into one hub if you will.  Very smart.  You can have this online, dynamic business card that gives one place to send folks to find all your various links.
If you have not yet created much of a social media presence, don’t worry!  This tool is still a powerful resource for establishing an online brand.  It’s easy to set up.  I did mine last night ( if you want to check it out and let me know how you think I should tweak it. Here’s what my friend and colleague Janet Slack had to say about it:
“ opened to the public in mid-December so it is likely that you will be able to reserve your own name there. When you do, you will get a URL that you can use as your online business card. Mine is Once you register, you simply add a photograph, a brief bio and connections to any websites, blog or social media profiles that you have. The setup process is so simple that I was able to set up my page without help in under an hour. pages are called Splash pages and are about personal branding rather than collecting connections to other people like other social media sites. The second important feature of the site is analytics that allow you to know how many people view your new page. Details include where the traffic came from and what they do while on your page. All this is currently free and I expect a premium version to be available for a fee in the future. For now, run over to, reserve your own name and look around to see the amazing pages many have created. You will be glad you did.”

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