Internet Marketing Rhythm

The Passion & Rhythm of Internet Marketing
by Melody Campbell
There are two key characteristics that are key to the success of any Internet Marketer.  (Note from Shama: As long as you market online, you are an online marketer!).        
They are:

Passion – the energy used when developing, delivering information and creating products for a ready marketplace.


Rhythm – the consistent efforts that must be made daily that over time attracts followers and creates community.

Market Conversation:

Discussion groups & forums are wonderful communities to participate in to understand what your prospects and marketplace wants and needs. Pay attention to posts with lots of views & comments. In your participation ask and answer questions; evaluate responses and comments from the rest of the group. Take the conversation to your blog and post about the discussion giving appropriate credit if quoting. Create articles that answer questions that are posted in the discussion group.

Regular Content Creation:

Your participation in relevant groups and forums will give you plenty of material to answer and comment on. Provide answers, agreement with other bloggers, or disagree with other bloggers. The key thing is that it is important to schedule regular content creation and delivery on your topic.
Create an editorial / topic schedule for the week, month or even year so that your topics and templates for creation are ready to fill in and deliver.

An example of a schedule might be the following:

– Article Writing & Blog Posting – Daily or 3 times a week
– Internet Radio – Weekly
– Press Releases, Couple times a month

Product Creation

Record and archive pretty much everything you do. Compile your articles and blogs posts to create e-books. In fact, if you have a planned delivery for your message, daily articles can be a way to create your book as well as collect feedback as you write the book.
Recordings of the audio & video of all webinars & teleconferences can be turned into cds, dvds and pre-loaded media players for home study courses of your material and your message.
The key to success with product creation is to be a prolific product creator. Some products you will sell a handful of, and some you will sell a boatload of ; ideally you will have several products available each bringing in a stream of income, getting your message out, and creating a following.
Social Networking– (e.g. Blog Commenting, Facebook, MySpace,  Ning, Twitter)    
I recommend creating a profile template. Gather all the information it takes to fill out a profile into a single document so that each new group that you join can be consistent with information, influencing and persuasive words.
Focus time investing in relationships in your social networking groups. Your groups should be built with three types of relationships:
– Prospects and Customers – Your market place
– Peers – These people have the same market as you do
– Mentors –
People you look up to
There may be additional activities that you include in this list depending on your product or service. These are just a few of the basic ones. The most important thing about the Rhythm of Internet Marketing is to schedule your activities for daily activity. Schedule regular days for articles, posting, commenting and connecting. If you’re too busy to regularly create content or to manage your social networking profiles, then hire an online business manager to help you create or maintain your online business presence.
Melody Campbell is a Virtual Buzz Coach and Online Business Manager. Visit her blog for her free report, Build Your Practice Sell More Books and Attract a Loyal Following  using the New Social Media. 

© 2007-2008 Shama Hyder. Online marketing expert, Shama Hyder, publishes the praise- winning ‘Online Marketing Tips’ weekly e-zine with subscribers around the world. If you’re ready to get more clients, make more money, and have more fun in your small business, get your FREE tips now at

Comments (3)

I agree with some of these statements. In my experience, if you want to do an honest business these are some of the easier things to do. It’s just a balance of skill and returns (money) to the success of any Internet marketing.

One of the best opportunities for online businesses is in creating digital only downloadable information products.
The cost is low to create,
there need not be any shipping or fulfillment costs and
It is easy to test the market.
Being an expert or passionate about almost any HOW-to, or why
can translate into a profitable business.
It can be an incredible branding tool for business to give away too with such a low cost of production and a high perceived value. Showing how and why you do your specialty can be educational and present your business as an industry leader.
Whether an info product is used as a gesture of gratitude, or as a profit center when some income streams are slowing in todays economy, it is a valuable addition to any marketers toolkit for profits.
thanks and take care,
Bryan Bliss

Melody Campbell, The Small Business Guru

Thank you Suzi, for republishing this article from Shama Hyder’s newsletter.
All of this is known information for most everyone attempting to market online; however, so many are hit and miss with their attempts to market themselves with these tools.
The results from creating and following a schedule for these activities will astond even a newbie.
Establishing a rhythm of writing articles, posting to your blog, and participating in social networking is one of the most powerfully effective strategies I know of to create results – assuming you’ve defined your market and your message.
Thanks again Suzi!

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