A New Twitter-based Question and Answer Resource for the Baby Boomers


Gain access to a community of over 80 professionals and organizations for free timely advice!

Think Twitter’s just for the young and tech-savvy?  Think again!

I’m proud to be a Founding Member of Boomer Authority!

Innovative Leadership International LLC,  dozens of other professionals and the Baby Boomer [Knowledge Center] are contributing to the improvement of communications and relationships between professionals and boomer consumers we are trying to help, with a new initiative called @BoomerAuthority. @BoomerAuthority is a free service on Twitter that advocates the rapid shift in the way marketers of products and professionals selling services reach you, the baby boomer consumer, from one-way communication to one of listening and individual response. Through Twitter, @BoomerAuthority connects you to qualified professionals who will first listen and then help you with your question. How to Use @BoomerAuthority on Twitter: When you need help with an issue, have a question, seek an opinion, or simply want a recommendation:

  1. Send a public message on Twitter to @BoomerAuthority.
  2. Your tweet is read by BoomerAuthority community members who monitor the Twitter feed for questions related to their area expertise.
  3. A knowledgeable member from the Boomer Authority community with the expertise you are looking for, or with an answer to the specific question you have, will respond directly via your preferred method of response. Basically, you’re requesting qualified members of the Boomer Authority community for help.Listed below are but a few examples how you can access the Boomer Authority community:

You . . .

  • are looking for help with career choice options, beginning an encore career, or launching a new business venture
  • need a recommendation for a realtor, active adult retirement community, financial advisor
  • have a thorny grandparent issue to deal with and want objective advice
  • creating a blog for the first time and need webmaster or hosting support
  • want an opinion about joining a particular social networking community
  • will be travelling to a foreign country and want recommendation on a hotel
  • need to obtain advice on eldercare, divorce, or early retirement
  • think you are in a mid-life quandary and want to speak with someone
  • seek an answer that is related to health, wellness or fitness

Include in the tweet your preferred method of response: @Reply (public stream) DM (Direct Message) – – or whatever other method you prefer, such as email or telephone. Click @BoomerAuthority to ask your question. The Boomer Authority Expert Community The Boomer Authority community of experts are alliance partners of the Baby Boomer [Knowledge Center]. For a complete listing of Founding Members click >> Boomer Authority.

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