Werner Erhard, Jim Selman, Robbe Richman, Fred Johnson rocked the CAM2012 stage in San Antonio!

Hi, Y’all! I just got back from Texas. This year’s Conversation Among Masters gathered 200 master coaches on the Riverwalk in San Antonio for 4 days of living, loving & learning. You can see photos by the masterful Doug Ellis here: http://dougellis.photoshelter.com/gallery/Conversation-Among-Masters-2012-Event-Photos/G0000_yWQFNPdKUQ.
It was amazing…Werner Erhard (est founder) did a full day on discovery and mastery, with neuroscience overlays.
Fred Johnson (The Spirit Experience) shifted our vibe with his spirited drumming and songful riffs.
Jim Selman (Paracomm and The Eldering Institute) integrated transformation, mastery, leadership and coaching before promoting us to elders in a sweet ceremony honoring wisdom and aging.
Robbe Richman from Zappos Insights zapped us into insight, bringing forth his own coaching mastery in the context of creating a culture transformation.
We even got a lesson on finding our inner glitter (TM) with Life Coach Lurlene!

It was stupendous and fabulous!



Comments (2)

Dr. David Kamnitzer

How may I access Werner’s presentation?

I’m sorry, David, it was a live event. There is no access to his presentation as it was not recorded.

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