The SUPERSTAR coach and 5-time Bestselling author Laura Berman Fortgang will join the Leading Coaches Center to talk about career reinvention!

Leading Coaches’ Center Community Mastermind Call

on Thursday, September 13th, 2012 at 12:00 pm noon Eastern (9:00am Pacific)

Topic:  Now What?®-Reinventing Ourselves as We Guide Our Clients to Do The Same

Featuring Laura Berman Fortgang, master coach, television personality and five-time bestselling author! We are in for a real treat!  I’m tickled that Laura will be joining us!
Join the fabulous and super-funny Laura Berman Fortgang to understand the ins and outs of career reinvention for our clients and ourselves.  The last three years have left many people out of work and out of ideas on how to move their lives forward. CLICK HERE TO RESERVE YOUR SPOT ON THIS CALL!
In the presentation, based on her book “Now What? 90 Days to a New Life Direction”, Laura will show you the unusual places where you can look for clues to guide your clients (and yourself) to a new and satisfying future.  Techniques, secrets and tried and true strategies will be shared.
In this session, we begin with making a case for right brain intuitive awareness as the skill that must be tapped now to find solutions to the employment crisis.  The linear, logical, resume building ways of the past will not be the answer to crisis that affects many people who are forced to reinvent right now.
The next section of the presentation will cover:

  • The three blocks to clarity and why people can’t see what’s next
  • The two turnkeys to career direction today
  • The strategies for overcoming the current crisis, and
  • Several tools that can be used with clients right away.

The call is complimentary for members of the Leading Coaches Center, and will be recorded.

More details can be found at:
(Of course, you’ll want to be logged in to the LCC first to be able to see that page.)
If you want to just skip all that and reserve your spot on the Mastermind call now, here’s the direct link:


Laura’s professional life is anchored by her international reputation as a pioneer and twenty-year veteran in the personal coaching field.  Only one expression of her twenty plus years of supporting people to find meaning, purpose and satisfaction in their lives, Laura is also a best-selling author, sought-after speaker, TV personality (Oprah and All National Morning Shows), corporate spokesperson and interfaith minister.
Laura’s five books are now published in 12 languages. They include:  The Prosperity Plan, Now What? 90 Days to a New Life Direction, Living Your Best Life, Take Yourself to the Top and The Little Book On Meaning which was a finalist for a Books for a Better Life award alongside the Dalai Lama.
Through her coaching company, InterCoach, Inc./Now What?® Coaching, Laura has trained coaches and provided coaching to diverse clients ranging from homemakers, celebrities and Fortune 500 companies to NASA and the Army Corps of Engineers.

Laura’s Book:

Here’s what one reader had to say: “There are a number of self-help books out on the market today and it takes a keen eye and quite a bit of research to separate the ones that are really useful from the ones that might not be so useful for you. I don’t typically read a lot of self-help books, so when I do I am typically fairly critical. Well, I’m happy to say that NOW WHAT?: 90 DAYS TO A NEW LIFE DIRECTION by Laura Berman Fortgang is the latest self-help book that I would recommend. “Now What?: 90 Days to a New Life Direction

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