Leading Coaches Have Lots To Say!

Last week I posted a brief intro video to a new concept I’m playing with:  A unique community of and for leading coaches who focus in the arena of business.  While this group of thought leaders are in high demand and extremely busy, I’m so grateful that so many of you took the time to not only review the video intro but to give me your very insightful feedback!  That blog post got the most comments BY FAR of any other post on this blog (of which there are over 170!).  Apparently, I’ve touched a nerve with this concept. People are spending time (which they don’t have!) to engage in this conversation, vigorously and at length. Woohoo!  🙂
Below are just a smattering of comments about the Leading Coaches Playground, but I recommend reading the full discourse here:
“This is a great idea.”
“Very creative and exciting, Suzi.”
“I like the idea of the tribe you want to build here.”
“I applaud your commitment and willingness to invest in our field of endeavor.”
“It would be terrific to have access to a brilliant group of people who do what I do.”
“I do love the opportunity to talk with and brainstorm with people like you who are at the top of this profession.”
“I love your spirit of growth and stewardship for coaching!”
“I would like to expand my community of excellent executive coaches so I have more people to learn from, contribute to, and decompress with.”
“What’s next, leader of leaders?”
“Yes, I am definitely interested in a group that speaks to the executive/leadership development coach and to raising the bar on the level of conversations among coaches in this arena.”
“I am interested in participating”
“Agreeing with you that none of the current organizations adequately meet the needs of senior and leading executive coaching”
“Keep me in the loop…!”
“Love your initiative here taken with your usual infectious energy. I think it’s a great concept — especially if the filter for membership really produces a community of leaders who are seriously committed to mastery as coaches and significant impact in the world, not just marketing their services to each other.”
“I love the concept and I’m on board…”
Of course, it’s not all rosy and enthusiastic.  There were some pushback comments, since  people are asking for more clarity and differentiation in the concept. Well that’s natural — we’re just beginning! And the input here will enormously help with that clarification.  Here’s what we heard as concerns:
Around the “leader” concept there’s a warning not to come across elitist. (Amen!  I think there’s a way to be inclusive AND discerning.)
Perhaps most important, people are nervous about demands on their time. (Even though, as mentioned, they ARE already giving time to this conversation…)
About that last point, you  may know I’m a huge Twitter fan.  I believe a huge part of Twitter’s success is the extreme brevity of the model. How about making “brevity” one of the defining characteristics of our community — while still allowing more expanded discourse when people want that?  I’m asking if we can invoke the spirit of Twitter in the community design? How can we build a diverse and global community of top executive coaches where huge value can be experienced in 140 characters, or 90 seconds, or….??  What new model of social networking might serve our community?
If we build it, will you come?  🙂

Comments (2)

Andrea Moretti-Adimari

Thank you Suzi. In soccer the ultimate tempo, which few teams genuinely manifest, is known as “El Juego Bonito” -> fluid short sharp exchanges to circumvent any seemingly impenetrable defence. I’m in. ; )

Wonderful, Andrea! How delightful to have my esteemed colleague from Northern Italy in the conversation. 🙂

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