Hi there, and welcome to my blogsite!
Now that you’re here, you may be wondering what the purpose of this blog is all about.
Are you exceeding your potential? Want a quantum leap in your results? How do you get out of your own way, use what you’ve got, and overcome self-sabotaging behaviors and limiting beliefs to generate quantum results in your company? Innovative Influence is a blog to support, inspire, and incite leaders, professional service providers, solopreneurs, executive coaches, consultants, trainers, speakers, attorneys, CPA’s, chiropractors and healers.
Really it’s about that unifying link between leadership and rainmaking, and it mostly applies to anyone who works with corporate leaders or who sells services to executives. Some of the posts will be about how to grow your business by integrating networking, marketing and sales or by shifting your mindsets about business development. Some posts will be about leadership excellence, or executive coaching excellence, but mostly the posts will be about the ins and outs of how you get clients for your professional service business. The goal is to share original content as well as interesting resources I find along my journey that will add value to you and your work. I invite your comments and topic suggestions, and by all means, please share this with your networks! Thanks for visiting suzipomerantz.com.