Infographic about WHY COACHING WORKS

Research about coaching efficacy from the International Coach Federation:

Why Coaching Works

99% are satisfied with the overall experience…in fact, 96% indicated they would repeat the process.

There are an estimated 47,500 professional coaches across the world bringing in an annual income close to each year.

Increased Productivity

Professional coaching explicitly targets maximizing potential and in doing this unlocks latent sources of productivity and effectiveness. At the heart of coaching is a creative and thought-provoking process that supports individuals to confidently pursue new ideas and alternative solutions with greater resilience in the face of growing complexity and uncertainty.
70% improved work performance
61% improved business management
57% improved time management
51% improved team effectiveness

Positive People

In the face of uncertainty caused by workforce reductions and other factors, expectations remain very high. Restoring self-confidence and self-trust to face the challenges is critical to meet organizational demands.
80% improved self confidence
73% improved relationships
72% improved communication skills
67% improved life/work balance

Return on Investment

The coach-client relationship generates learning and clarity for forward action with a commitment to clear measurable outcomes. Coaching offers a good return in investment for individual clients and offers a significant return on investment for companies.
68% of individuals made back their investment

86% of companies made back their investment


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