Coaching for Great Work Workshop offered for corporate leaders in Washington, DC

We are getting ready for back to school, and back to learning isn’t just for the kids!  Here’s one for business leaders.
There’s a learning opportunity that I thought might be of value for you or others you know and I’m excited to share it with you.
The Coaching for Great Work workshop will be held on Thursday, October 7 in Washington, D.C.  This session will be useful for anyone who wants to get better results from their staff through coaching, while avoiding the high costs of hiring external coaches.
You can find the registration and information pages for the workshop at   The session is $399 per person, which is a tremendous value.  The fabulous Michael Bungay Stanier (of Box of Crayons fame) will be delivering the training and you’ll receive the full one-day Coaching for Great Work training content and materials — this is NOT a sales and marketing program, but skills training with plenty of interaction and practice.  The event is being hosted by Rita Hummel Crowe of LEAP Leadership Advantage. Please plan to join us. I know Rita and Michael personally, and you are guaranteed a powerful event!
Please contact Rita through her site if you have any questions.  While you’re there, I encourage you to sign up for her free eReport and ezine while at the site, as she continually highlights Coaching for Great Work content there.
The direct link for the event is
See you there in October!

Comments (3)

Thanks, Suzi! Both Michael and I are excited about sharing the Coaching for Great Work approach in this open session. We’ve already had a great deal of interest in the Washington D.C. program! While the Gallery at the American Institute of Architects is a beautiful space for learning, we’ll only have room for 40 participants — so I’m encouraging folks to register soon! Thanks for telling people to contact me with questions. I love talking about our 3 coaching moments! As someone who spent many years leading in organizations such as Hewlett Packard and AT&T Communications, I know the challenges of coaching — and how well the Coaching for Great Work program fits the bill! See you there!

I know it will be a phenomenal program, Rita. With you and Michael on it, how can it not be amazing!? Looking forward to seeing you there!

great event. I hope i could come.

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