World Changers


Happy Inauguration Day!  As Barack Obama officially takes the reigns of the United States of America and sets out to change the world, it is a great time to acknowledge the world changers among us.  Are you one of them?  If so, there’s a new radio show starting that I wanted to tell you about.  My brilliant and respected colleague, Karlin Sloan (a world-changer herself), is creating this new show.

World Changers Radio

The future is upon us, and it’s time for all of us to start learning how to shift gears and create positive change for our organizations, our communities, and each other. WORLD CHANGERS showcases innovators, leaders, thinkers, movers and shakers who are making a positive difference, and starting a new way of thinking, working, and living. WORLD CHANGERS believes the future is in our hands – what are we doing to make it a great one? 
WORLD CHANGERS debuts on January 26th, 2009 and will be heard every Monday from 9:00 to 10:00 AM CST (10:00 to 11:00 EST) on Shows will also be re-broadcast 12 hours later and archived for On Demand listening.
Our Host: CEO Karlin Sloan has committed herself to finding out what makes great leaders tick, and to supporting leaders to be the change they wish to see in the world. As a corporate citizen she is an advocate for triple-bottom-line reporting, for creating sustainable ways of working and living, and for creating positive organizational communities that work together for the greater good. She is the author of the acclaimed business book Smarter, Faster, Better; Strategies for Effective, Enduring, and Fulfilled Leadership which has been translated into Thai and Russian.

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