Here’s what I often share when asked for input from those considering becoming a coach…
It’s most important to step back and determine your path, your purpose, your big picture. If you’re a life coach, your choices will be different than if you’re an external executive coach, or an internal corporate coach, or business coach, or relationship coach, or leadership coach. Each needs different tools, courses, certifications, etc. The courses, tools, groups and networks you’ll choose will have as much to do with your industry or specialty focus as with your intended market. First decide where you’re going, then craft a map to get there. There’s also the question of whether or not to go for a credential in addition to your certification from where you got trained as a coach. Much of that has to do with your intended clients and the norms or expectations of their industry, role, and geography. Once you know where you’re going, you might consider these trusted resources to guide you further:
1. Coaching Is Calling: A guide to coach training programs and professional career paths by Lauren B. Weinstein: This book is for those new to coaching or considering becoming a coach. It includes well-researched content, worksheets, reflections, and resources to help as you begin your coaching journey.
2. Peer Resources Network by Rey Carr: This online directory offers a wealth of coaching resources including literature, coach training programs, perspectives on certification, associations and networks, and much more. It includes a comprehensive list of the over 650 coach training programs available today!
3. Library of Professional Coaching: An online, free set of resources associated with professional coaching. It’s been referred to as “the Huffington Post of coaching” and has a searchable database of high-caliber materials.
4. The Coaching Habit: Say Less, Ask More & Change the Way You Lead Forever by Michael Bungay Stanier
5. Great post by my friend and colleague, Madeleine Homan Blanchard, who shares 5 tips for getting started.
6. Great post by my friend and colleague, Jeremy Robinson, who shares 13 tips for how to be an exceptional executive coach.
Hope these resources help you with your decision!