QR Codes are popping up all over the place! Get yours…

Are you seeing these crazy designs all over? In magazines, on products, in stores?  I first encountered them at TEDxPotomac, where these codes were on our nametags.  It’s a super-cool, Jetsons kind of space age thing we can do now.
First, you have to get a QR reader for your smart phone.  They are usually free to download.  Then, you point your phone at the code using your reader app, and it takes you directly to whatever website was coded into the design.  Magic!  Just go to the app store for your smartphone and search for QR readers. (See below for recommendations on QR readers – often called scanners)
Janet Slack, of http://www.solopreneur.biz teaches, “There are as many ways to use QR codes to promote your business as there are codes already out there. Perhaps you simply decide to have a QR code for your website or blog on your business card. Then someone that meets you could instantly go to your site and find out more about your services. In a different QR code on your marketing materials, you could provide instant access to a free gift such as a special report or recording in exchange for contact information. The applications of this technology are amazing. To get your own QR codes, use one of the free online QR code generators such as Kaywa or Kerem Erkan.”  That’s how I created the design above.  You can click on that with your reader and it will take you to my free podcast offer page.  Cool, huh?  Go make some for your business!
QR Readers:
The best scanner software for iPhone is Qrafter. It is available on the App Store and it is free. It is able to understand all actions on this generator (and more) and is the most advanced scanner for QR Codes on iPhone. Download it from here. You can also visit Qrafter’s Facebook Page here.
For Android, the best option seems to be the Barcode Scanner app from ZXing.
For BlackBerry, QR Code Scanner Pro is a good choice according to Josh West, one of the commenters on this page.
For Nokia Maemo/Meego, you can use Mbarcode according to Ryks, another commenter.
For other devices, you may find one, suitable for your device from Kaywa or QuickMark.

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