It’s SO Not About You!

This article originally appeared in the VOICE, the newsletter of the International Association of Coaching (, in May 2010, and is reprinted with permission.
Why Aren’t You Marketing Your Business?

As a coach, there are many challenges you face when it comes to building your coaching business: the economy, market saturation and that you were never really taught what to do other than give away a free session.
But none of those is the real reason you aren’t seeing the results you want from your marketing efforts. The real reason is that you have some expectations, fears or assessments that are blocking you from taking the right action. Your mindset needs work.
Does this sound like you?
“I talk about coaching to everyone I know, but they just don’t seem to get it.”
“I’ll be ready to market my business when I finish my website.”
“I’ll be ready to market my business when I’m clearer about my message.”
“I don’t know who my niche target market will be yet, so I can’t start now.”
“I’ve been to so many networking breakfasts and I haven’t gotten any clients! Networking doesn’t work! “
“I’m on all the social media sites but I’m not making any money online.”
These are common concerns I hear when speaking to coaches all over the world about their business development challenges. Do you see the common theme in these statements? These are all coach-focused (I talk, my website, my message, my niche, I’ve been, I’m on, etc.). See the pattern?
Mindset shift required
It’s time to be other-focused. You can’t sell coaching if you’re focused on yourself as the coach, and you can’t sell coaching if you’re focused on coaching as the solution.
You must focus on…[read the rest here!]

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