Shift Happens, and it’s not always as you expected it to look!

As a contributing author to the new book, Shift Happens, I wanted to let you know about how you can take advantage of a great deal (scroll down to skip the details and go right to the deal).
In October, I was part of a rather remarkable experience where 50 coaches and thought leaders met in Braselton, Georgia to participate in a very special retreat/think tank. The event was called CAMalot (CAM = Conversation Among Masters). The result is a collaborative book, created in less than 3 days and published 8 weeks later, that is now available on CreateSpace and Amazon.

The title is Shift Happens: Musings from Digital Immigrants to Future Generations on Navigating the Age of Transformation (Volume 1) – Click to read more about this fascinating collections of essays, poetry and more.

An Unusual Experiment

(by Suzanne Murray)
Look around the room, the country or the planet today, and the degree to which technology and innovation have permeated human existence may seem astounding. The question is—how are we as a people and world navigating this transformation? Has all this technology made us safer, stronger, smarter and more efficient or has it turned us into robot humans?
Shift Happens: Musings from Digital Immigrants to Future Generations on Navigating the Age of Transformation (Volume 1) explores this important question of whether technology today is uniting or dividing us.
With the power of laptops, iPads, virtual editors and graphic designers, and on-demand printing, this unique book was written in less than twenty-four hours and published in less than two months as part of a single three-day period at the CAMalot conference in Braselton, Georgia in October.
Each contribution—whether presented in the form of an essay, poem, letter, dialogue or fairytale—reveals valuable nuggets of wisdom to ponder as the human race shifts seemingly ever faster toward our future.
Here’s more about it:
Depending on your vantage point–as a Babyboomer, Gen Xer, Millennial, or Digital Native–the vast array of technology available to us today can be overwhelming, awe-inspiring, or just the reliable norm. In this relative context, how do we bridge the gap between those who are tech savvy and those who are technology-blind? How do we retain the wisdom of our elders while honoring the imagination and potential of our young people? Is it possible to embrace all of this technology and still remain human? Then again, what might we lose if we are unwilling to shift toward the future and accept the opportunity that all this innovation invites?
In this unique book, thought leaders from our time explore these very questions. Each contribution–whether presented in the form of an essay, poem, letter, dialogue, or fairytale–reveals valuable nuggets of wisdom to ponder as the human race shifts seemingly ever faster toward our future.
In the 21st century, we have the potential to be more connected with each other, not less.
Life before Facebook and mobile texting wasn’t better, just different.
The imagination of today drives the technology of tomorrow.
Love is always at the center.
Written from the perspective of multiple authors, this book speaks from a powerful collective voice of individuals who gathered and wrote together at the CAMalot 2012 conference ( in Braselton, Georgia. Inspired by speaker and futurist David Houle (author of “Entering the Shift Age”), these professional coaches, nonprofit leaders, ministers, and more took the spirit of the conference and conversation–along with their own deep life and professional experience–and poured it into this book.
Read it fast, or digest it slowly. Then read it to someone younger than you or gift it to someone older. We are all in this together. Let the dialogue between today’s thought leaders and the world’s next generation of leaders begin!
Right now the book is available at a discount so I wanted to share that information with you as well.
December 2012 Friends & Family Book Kick Off – 15% off list price –> discount code NADFV6U7 for my clients and friends so they can get their own copy of the book from the e-store (ends Jan. 1 2013) (
Take a peek. And if you do decide to read it, I would love to hear your thoughts.

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