We are grateful for all the wonderful reviews of the Yoga of Leadership book so far!
“I entered this book with some trepidation. All too frequently, Yoga is either treated as an isolated practice or treated in a very superficial manner as a set of steps to be taken on the road to awakening (or at least relaxation and stress-reduction). Suzi Pomerantz and Linda Lang have done something that is all too rare. They have built a bridge across the Pacific Ocean, uniting Eastern and Western thought and practices. Words from the West (such as “bottom line”) intermingle with words from the East (most notably “asana”). Pomerantz and Lang have moved well beyond this isolated and superficial treatment of yoga. They offer the real thing—identifying and focusing on contemporary challenges: stress, executive presence and VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. This is at the heart of the matter a book about the internalization and embodiment of learning. You can trust the insights and suggestions offered by Pomerantz and Lang.” ~ William Bergquist, Ph.D., President of The Professional School of Psychology and author of over 50 books