New book by Bill Cates helps you attract more high-value clients!

My friend and mastermind buddy, Bill Cates, is the king of referrals and he has a new book out with a really great deal attached to it!Bill Cates
His book, Beyond Referrals, is due out in stores April 19th. There are many books on referrals. There are many books on sales.  This is the first book on the planet to combine the two.
YOU can get a pre-publication deal while helping a great cause:  The Wounded Warrior Project.
That’s why I’m sharing this news with you.  I believe in Bill, and have personally benefited from his knowledge, and I love that he’s making this offer in a way that helps an important charity.

Beyond Referrals Will Help You Attract More High-Value Clients!

bill cates beyond referralsYou face four hurdles to gaining new clients: 1)  finding enough of the right prospects, 2)  getting their attention, 3)  making the sale, and 4)  multiplying your clients through referrals.
While referrals are important, they’re not the end game.  You want to convert those referrals into new clients.
In his ground-breaking book, Beyond Referrals – How to Use the Perpetual Revenue System™ to Turn Referrals into High-Value Clients, my friend Bill Cates shows you four simple strategies to make sure you never lack for quality prospects to turn into quality clients.
This is a revolutionary look at referral selling.
This book will show you how to:

  • Generate great referrals without begging or pushing.
  • Turn referrals into introductions that don’t fall through the cracks.
  • Easily set appointments with prospects who are eager to hear from you.
  • Convert a high percentage of prospects into high-value clients.

Special Pre-Publication Offer from Bill Cates

bill cates pre pub dealOrder Beyond Referral before it’s April 19 publication date and look at the deal you get:
–       Reduced Price of only $12 (when it comes out in April it will cost $18 retail)
–       FREE Shipping included
–       Special Report “Classic Marketing Mistakes to Avoid”
–       5% of gross revenues donated to the Wounded Warrior Project
There are many books on referrals. There are many books on sales.  This is the first book on the planet to combine the two. The net result for you will be more high-value clients.
To get your pre-publication price of only $12 (shipping IS included), go to:

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