Often when asked to put together a proposal, it’s difficult to know where to start. Use this guide to help you get going!
1. What is the value proposition for them?
2. What is their return on the investment of coaching, either alone or as a counterpart to training?
3. What specific results can they expect from coaching (or from training plus coaching versus training alone)?
4. Build the business case in a very succinct, synthesized way…remember, this proposal is to help influence an executive decision-maker
5. What is your understanding of the specific challenges they face that they are looking to overcome?
6. What is your strategy or solution and approach?
7. What benefits and deliverables can they expect?
8. What process will be used?
9. Who are we? (firm overview, clients, capabilities, etc.) in addition to team bios
10. Why choose our firm over others? (industry knowledge, expertise, performance, results, etc.)
Answer the questions, put it in an order that’s relevant to your prospective client, and then add your pricing!