Leading and coaching others during a global pandemic proves challenging in new ways. Perhaps some or all of your people are working remotely. Perhaps you are attempting to lead remotely. The fear and grief and uncertainty caused by the current conditions impact workers everywhere. Some of your employees are juggling childcare, homeschooling, elder care, and other challenges caused by quarantine. It was only supposed to be a few months, and here we are inching closer to a year or more of these strange conditions. Where can you find resources to support your unique leadership challenges?
Leading and coaching at this time requires special tools. Faced with a global pandemic, leaders and coaches have had to change and adapt to best serve their employees and clients. The resource I’m sharing with you today is one of them! It’s an invaluable publication called choice, the magazine of professional coaching, published by my good friend, Garry Schleifer. For years I have contributed to a regular column in the publication called “sticky situations” and I also serve on the editorial board. This tool is the best there is for coaches and leaders who want to get the best out of their team.
The current issue is called “From TRIAGE to RECOVERY, Coaching through COVID-19”, and it’s full of hands-on tools and tips from coaches who are helping their clients thrive through the pandemic. choice is a MUST HAVE TOOL for EVERY leader and coach. It’s the only publication in print by and for coaches, and it’s been around 18 years. It’s so inexpensive there’s no reason not to subscribe.
The current issue covers topics like…
- Flourishing Forward – Considerations for trauma informed coaching
- Adapting to Crisis – Expanding our coaching mindset
- Our Time to Serve – This is the time for coaching to serve humanity
- Coaching for self-reflection in the new reality
- Coaching through a pandemic as a kinesthetic empathic coach
- Transformational Leadership – 5 essentials for activating it in times of crisis
I highly recommend that you subscribe and expand your coaching expertise.
In every issue, you’ll find:
- choice’s panel weighing in on a sticky situation. This month’s question is “How do I help my client through the pandemic?”
- Product reviews of coaching tools. A few of the tools reviewed in this issue include CHECKINGIN: a free and private app that offers steps to help elevate your wellbeing. COACHING CUBES: a simple and fun way to facilitate a group conversation and inject new energy.
- An insightful book review. This month it is about ” Coach the Person Not the Problem”, by Marcia Reynolds.
Subscribe to choice, the magazine of professional coaching today.
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- Fill in your name, address, and payment information.